#code review

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1 month ago

docs: Add some zoneless documentation by atscott Pull Request #55500 angular/angular

Suggestions cannot be applied while the pull request is closed. [ more ]
2 months ago

Troubleshooting Scala Memory Leaks

Understanding the history and recent changes of a product can aid in troubleshooting memory leaks effectively.
Identifying memory leaks may require trying various approaches, as there is no universal solution. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

Frontend Developer (Vue.js & Nuxt.js) at zapfloor

1. Frontend developer with SaaS experience and JS framework knowledge needed. 2. Role involves code review, scalability optimization, and staying updated on technologies. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Improve Efficiency With Smaller Code Reviews - DevOps.com

Code review can help detect issues in source code early and promote collaboration among team members.
Smaller code review cycles are more effective than larger ones as they are easier to comprehend and provide feedback on. [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
4 months ago

PyCharm 2024.1 EAP 4: Sticky Lines, and More | The PyCharm Blog

The Early Access Program for PyCharm 2024.1 continues with new features like sticky lines in the editor.
IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 EAP 4 offers a focused view of branch-related changes in version control systems. [ more ]
6 months ago

PyCoder's Weekly | Issue #607

Employees who log off at the end of the workday have 20% higher productivity scores
Using Polars as an alternative to Pandas in Python [ more ]
1 month ago

docs: Add some zoneless documentation by atscott Pull Request #55500 angular/angular

Suggestions cannot be applied while the pull request is closed. [ more ]
2 months ago

Troubleshooting Scala Memory Leaks

Understanding the history and recent changes of a product can aid in troubleshooting memory leaks effectively.
Identifying memory leaks may require trying various approaches, as there is no universal solution. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web development

Frontend Developer (Vue.js & Nuxt.js) at zapfloor

1. Frontend developer with SaaS experience and JS framework knowledge needed. 2. Role involves code review, scalability optimization, and staying updated on technologies. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Improve Efficiency With Smaller Code Reviews - DevOps.com

Code review can help detect issues in source code early and promote collaboration among team members.
Smaller code review cycles are more effective than larger ones as they are easier to comprehend and provide feedback on. [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
4 months ago

PyCharm 2024.1 EAP 4: Sticky Lines, and More | The PyCharm Blog

The Early Access Program for PyCharm 2024.1 continues with new features like sticky lines in the editor.
IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 EAP 4 offers a focused view of branch-related changes in version control systems. [ more ]
6 months ago

PyCoder's Weekly | Issue #607

Employees who log off at the end of the workday have 20% higher productivity scores
Using Polars as an alternative to Pandas in Python [ more ]
#automated code assistance
6 months ago

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
6 months ago

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
6 months ago

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
6 months ago

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
6 months ago

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
6 months ago

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
moreautomated code assistance
6 months ago
Software development

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

Episode #183: Exploring Code Reviews in Python and Automating the Process - The Real Python Podcast

Importance of keeping code reviews positive and maintaining developer momentum.
Techniques for automating organizational code rules and retaining institutional developer knowledge.
Development of an automated code assistant that can perform code reviews and provide personalized assistance. [ more ]
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